News Archive
1999-08-01 20:48
My E-Mail address changed, the old one will stop working soon. So send all your new emails to
1999-07-31 15:47
SuSE RPM of irssi 0.7.13-2 is now available in download page.
Just noticed how slow irssi's web pages were .. took 30-60 seconds to load a page. It's a problem with our mysql hit database getting too large and one of my selects took pretty long :) Changed it, but it still takes 10-20 seconds to load, it will hopefully be fixed pretty soon.
1999-07-22 19:24
Here comes the usual bugfix release, 0.7.13-2 ;) Made a patch: </files/irssi-0.7.13-2.diff> for it this time too.
1999-07-22 00:11
Released 0.7.13.
1999-07-11 13:35
Removed download counters. Made a new screenshot.
1999-07-07 21:08
Posted by cras
Released v0.7.12-2 :) Just a few bugfixes..
- configure checks for -lnsl too
- changed default font to fixed size so I wouldn't have to hear all the time how screen is messed up with zvt :)
- background color couldn't be changed with zvt
- irssi-text sometimes crashed at startup because of uninitialized variable..
- you had to use --without-gnome-panel even if you didn't build with gnome
1999-07-06 19:40
Released v0.7.12 .. made hit counter for it too :)
1999-07-03 15:51
Yesterday started #irssi in IRCnet.