News Archive
2000-08-23 01:45
Grr. We too have a remote crash bug. No, not a buffer overflow, we don't have them ;) And not the %s bug, but just some special case. It's not possible to make it run any arbitrary code, it can only crash irssi. This affects all 0.7.9x versions. You can get the patch here: </files/crashfix.patch> or get the whole 0.7.95-3 tarball. Updated .debs and .rpms would be nice to have soon :) UPDATE: .deb is now updated (version 0.7.95-2).
2000-08-13 17:49
Released 0.7.95. And .95-2, the only difference is that there's updated help files.
2000-08-04 03:14
Posted by cras
GTK Irssi code is in CVS now, seems to work surprisingly well :) Nearly all GUI stuff of .28 work again except setup. I'll probably take another screenshot soon :) UPDATE: Here's ther shot :)
2000-08-03 14:37
Posted by cras
GTK Irssi is almost working again, after 3 hours of coding, I think about 50% of it's functionality is workin again with 0.7.94. Here's a screenshot :)
I'll also be at Assembly'2k if someone wants to see me for some reason :)
2000-07-26 21:21
Posted by cras
Released 0.7.94, there's finally some help files (by Lite). Some bugfixes, some small new features, nothing really big. I've been playing a lot with SILC (new IRC-like protocol with cryptography).
2000-07-09 19:07
Released 0.7.93.
2000-07-02 00:48
Another bad bug found - Irssi crashes after midnight .. 0.7.92-3 fixes this. Patch is available again: </files/irssi-0.7.92-3.patch>, use patch -p0 < irssi-0.7.92-3.patch to apply it.
2000-07-01 03:41
Posted by cras
Released 0.7.92-2 :) Only one nasty bug fixed. Only a few people downloaded the .92 so I didn't bother to change version number in the package itself.. The patch is also available.: </files/irssi-0.7.92-2.patch>