# otr
Command to control the OTR module. Without an option, /OTR INFO is printed. This help contains three sections which are **options, quickstart and files.** To add the OTR status bar (highly recommended): `/statusbar window add otr` ## Options ## `AUTH ` : Start or respond to an authentication process. `AUTHQ ` : Start a SMP authentication process. Example: `/otr authq "My question is" "this is the secret"` `AUTHABORT` : Abort an ongoing authentication process. `CONTEXTS` : List known contexts which basically list the known fingerprints and their state. `DEBUG` : Turn on debugging. `DISTRUST ` : Distrust a specific fingerprint. This command can be done inside a private window for which the current fingerprint of the other person will be used or else set fp to a human readable OTR fingerprint available with the above contexts command. Examples: `/otr distrust 487FFADA 5073FEDD C5AB5C14 5BB6C1FF 6D40D48A` `FINISH` : End the OTR session. This MUST be done inside a private conversation window. `FORGET ` : Forget a specific fingerprint (deleted from the known fingerprints). The behavior is the same as the distrust command explained above. `GENKEY ` : Generate OTR keys for a given account name. This is done automatically if someone tries to establish a secure session. This process is done in a background worker and can take an arbitrary amount of time. The completion is checked when another irssi event is caught. `HELP` : Print this help. `INFO` : Display the OTR fingerprint(s) of all your account(s). `INIT` : Initialize an OTR conversation within a private conversation window. `TRUST ` : Trust a specific fingerprint. The behavior is the same as the forget and distrust commands explained above. `VERSION` : Print the version of the OTR module. ## Quickstart ## Start a private conversation with the person you want to initiate a secure session. Once in the private message window: `/otr init` Key generation should start if no key is found for your account name. Once the process is done, either type a message which should automatically start the session or redo the init command. Time to authenticate the person. Either use a shared secret exchange through phone or GPG-signed email or use the socialist millionaire problem mechanism (SMP) which is basically to ask a question for which the answer can only be known by the other person. `/otr auth ` OR `/otr authq "A question" ` Or to respond to an authentication: `/otr auth ` ## Files ## This otr modules creates a directory in `$HOME/.irssi/otr` and creates three files: `otr.key` : Contains your OTR private key(s). NEVER shared this directory with someone else unless you know what you are doing. `otr.fp` : The known fingerprints with their _trust_ status. `otr.instag` : Instance tag of the libotr. This should NEVER be copied to an other computer. If unsure, just ignore this file. For more information on OTR, see https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/