# names
## Syntax ##
## Parameters ##
| | |
| --- | --- |
| `-count`: | Displays the amount of users in the channel. |
| `-ops`: | Displays the channel operators. |
| `-halfops`: | Displays the channel demi-operators. |
| `-voices`: | Displays the users who are voiced in a channel. |
The channels to report or ** for all channels you have joined; if no
arguments are given, the users in the active channel will be displayed.
## Description ##
Displays the users who are in a channel; you can provide multiple channels
by separating them with a comma.
## Examples ##
/NAMES -ops
/NAMES -voices #irssi,#libera
## See also ##
[JOIN](/documentation/help/join), [PART](/documentation/help/part), [WHO](/documentation/help/who), [WHOIS](/documentation/help/whois)