# recode
## Syntax ##
## Parameters ##
| | |
| --- | --- |
| `ADD`: | Adds an entry into the conversion database. |
| `REMOVE`: | Removes an entry from the conversion database. |
The network tag and channel or nickname to add or remove; if no target is
given, the active nickname or channel will be used.
## Description ##
Recodes the data transmitted to and received from nicknames and channels
into a specific charset.
To get a list of supported charsets on your system, you can generally use
the 'iconv -l' command.
## Examples ##
/RECODE ADD liberachat/mike utf-8
/RECODE ADD #korea euc-kr
## Special Examples ##
/SET term_charset utf-8
/SET recode_fallback ISO-8859-15
/SET recode_out_default_charset ISO-8859-15
/TOGGLE recode_transliterate
/TOGGLE recode_autodetect_utf8
## See also ##
[CONNECT](/documentation/help/1.4/connect), [MSG](/documentation/help/1.4/msg), [NETWORK](/documentation/help/1.4/network), [SERVER](/documentation/help/1.4/server)