# Misc | | | | --- | --- | | [beep](./beep) | Outputs the bell-character, usually causing your terminal to beep. | | [cat](./cat) | Displays the contents of the specified file in the active window if -window is specified, otherwise to the closest matching window depending on levels. ... | | [cd](./cd) | Changes the current active directory. | | [echo](./echo) | Displays the given text. | | [eval](./eval) | Evaluates the given commands and executes them; you can use internal variables and separate multiple commands by using the `;` character. If the command contains a string with `$`, `\` or `;` those characters need to be escaped: ... | | [exec](./exec) | Executes the specified command in the background; the process can be accessed by its id or the name you gave it. ... | | [help](./help) | Displays the documentation for the given command. | | [load](./load) | Loads a plugin; if the full path isn't given, it will attempt to load from common directories in your installation path. ... | | [unload](./unload) | Removes a module from the memory. | | [uptime](./uptime) | Displays how long Irssi has been running. | | [version](./version) | Displays the version and compatibility parameters of the given server, or for the server the target nickname is on. | :::{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: beep cat cd echo eval exec help load unload uptime version :::