# bind :::{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: bind_-list ::: ## Syntax ##
BIND [-list] [-delete | -reset] [<key> [<command> [<data>]]]
## Parameters ## | | | | --- | --- | | [`-list`](/documentation/help/1.2/bind_-list): | Displays a list of all the bindable commands. | | `-delete`: | Removes the binding. | | `-reset`: | Reset a key to its default binding. | A name of the binding and the command to perform; if no parameter is given, the list of bindings will be displayed. Details: Adds or removes a binding; the binding itself is case-sensitive and may contain as many characters as you want. Uppercase characters usually indicate that you need to keep the shift-key pressed to use the binding. ## Examples ## /BIND /BIND meta-c /CLEAR /BIND meta-q change_window 16 /BIND -delete meta-y /BIND ^W^C /WINDOW NEW HIDE /BIND ^W^K /WINDOW KILL /BIND ^[[11~ command AWAY I'm off for today :) /BIND ^[[12~ command AWAY ## See also ## [ALIAS](/documentation/help/1.2/alias)